Special Visitors, Role Play and Investigations.. : Kindalin ~* Early Childhood Learning Centres

Special Visitors, Role Play and Investigations.. 

Kindalin Cherrybrook Shops had some very special community visitors last week. These included workers from the SES (State Emergency Services,) a Veterinarian Nurse and the Fire Brigade.

Visitors to Kindalin provide the children with links to the wider community, helping to build their awareness of their part in society in which they belong. The special visitors discussed the important work they do and the children became more familiar with their different roles.

The children were enthralled as they listened to the SES workers describe how they helped people when there were dangerous floods. The children were fascinated by all the equipment a Veterinarian Nurse uses to help sick animals. And they eagerly practised fire drills with the fire fighters to get down low and Go, Go Go!


Throughout the week the children and educators explored different occupations in the community through dress up, role play and discussion.

Many of the older children were inspired to think about and discuss what they may like to be when they are older and they put represented these in their artworks.