Stage 1 - Curiosity
"Where are your tonsils?"
A wombat friend had shared with everyone that they were having their tonsils removed. The question was asked “Where are your tonsils?” The children all thought they were in their mouth. The children also questioned “What else is in our bodies?” This started an interesting conversation as children shared what they thought was inside their body.

Stage 2 - Sharing Ideas
"What do we know about our bodies?"
The children brainstormed what they knew about their bodies. This is what we came up with:
Muscles help you lift your arms up
You have bones in your feet
A Skeleton is all the bones in your body
The heart pumps blood
Your brain helps you think
Your tongue taste stuff
Your lungs help you breathe
Blood goes through the veins. The blue veins carry normal blood and the red veins carry oxygen.

Stage 3 - Research and investigation
We explored books and the internet and worked in small groups
The children explored books and the internet about our bodies, discovering the nervous system, the blood system, different names of bones and where our muscles are. They worked together in small groups using large paper and collage materials to represent these systems inside the bodies of the wombat children.

Stage 4 - Conclusions
"Our body is really important and we need to take care of it!"
The children had the opportunity to represent their thoughts and what they had learnt through visual arts. We decided that “Our body is really important and we need to take care of it”